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Thursday, 21 November 2013

Insomnaic Games Engine, Resistance 2 and its A.I.

Insomniac Games

Insomniac Games is game development company well known for their PlayStation franchises, such as Spyro, Ratchet and Clank, and Resistance. My first Insomniac game was Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal, in fact I wrote this blog while listening the R&C: UYA OST :P. However another Insomniac game I loved was Resistance 2, for its ambitions and scale which it achieved!

The information on this blog comes from the talk on Navigation in Insomniac Engine at GDC 2011, found here. Reddy Sambavaram speaks about the evolution of the AI Navigation from the ps2 to ps3, and in several of Insomniac's games including Resistance: Fall of Man and Resistance 2, Ratchet and Clank Future series, etc. This blog will mainly go over the sections leading to the end of Resistance 2’s AI development and methods of navigation within their games.

A.I. in General

Well-designed/created A.I. is needed for the player to properly have a challenge from non-controlled opponents. They must be created in a way navigate similar to the player, to give them a worthy opponent. At the same time these opponents must not be abuse able, where they'll be found in a strange situation. Remember A.I. stands for artificial intelligence, so as much as try to replicate our though processes, the AI probably won't be perfect.

Old AI- used in R&C deadlocked

In Ratchet and Clank Deadlocked, the last Insomniac game on the PS2, had A.I. reminiscent of the PS2 era. First off all their paths were hand made, and used way volume paths. Simply referring to the picture above, it meant traveling from point A to B using these paths and volumes. Finally this was all navigated using A-star, a common algorithm for AI used even today.

Nav Meshing

A Nav Mesh is simply a mesh which what the AI will use to navigate the level. The mesh will be what the AI looks at when try to get from one point to another. The mesh is either hand created by designers, or created from a special tool. Also the designer can use this to predetermine where the AI can navigate to and where it can’t. The good part about this, is that the mesh can be having fewer triangles than the actual level, allowing for checking, and in the end faster path finding.

Resistance:Fall Of Man


When they moved to the PS3, Insomniac used navigation meshes to help with AI for their flagship PS3 game, Resistance: Fall of man. Their work began with a designer who would lay the nav-mesh out in Maya, after which tools would convert them into convex poly meshes for runtime. The polygons were treated as nodes in A* if they shared an edge. However despite the new method, they still ran into an issue, only 8 enemies could navigate the mesh at once. This was due to the “funneling of data”, also known as bottle necking on the PPU (Physics Processing Unit).

Resistance 2 changes 

There were many wanted Change with Resistance 2, however with AI there was 3 major changes. First was the bottle necking issue, which the team looked to PPUs and SPUs to fix. Second was the change of nav mesh, where they wanted to have meshes 9x times the size of the ones in RFOM. Finally there was the challenge of creating AI which would be appropriate for the 8 player coop.  The coop was a fun and frantic mode which I have spent many hours on because of the AI’s successfully implemented. 

Mesh changes 

With the development of Resistance 2 came a good amount of changes in nav meshes and their creation. There were different sizes Nav Meshes in the level now, to deal with the different sizes of enemies, which ranged from the dog sized leapers, to human sized hybrids, and the massive Titans. There were parameterizations for navigation of the mesh so enemies can jump up and down ledges. Polygon shapes created for the nav mesh were not acceptable anymore, so just good old triangles could be laid down. However meshes were clustered together, separated by colors, to allow for the creation of these polygon shapes.

A* or Hierarchical path finding

With the change in meshes, the team debated whether to use the A* algorithm, or a hierarchical path finding. Hierarchical path finding is an organized method which went through all the mesh, first at a high level and then at a lower level. Unfortunately this method had issues when creating a path, as the lower level path wasn’t always created. However at the same time, path caching was introduced, which allowed for efficient checks whether the path can successfully make it to its end point. This method allowed for A* to have a better computation time when finding a path. Also AI would generally just move from one end of room to another, so Hierarchical path finding wasn’t as useful. In the end A* was used, and Hierarchical path finding was scraped for Resistance 2.

Path Corners 

When turning around corners with AI, there is always an issue with the proper path and synchronization. This issue was especially prominent with the new zombie enemies, the Grims, since they ran fast! Fast as in 8 Meters per second, and the IG wanted to keep this speed, despite the problems in syncing the animation and orientation of Grims. To solve this issue, a Bezier curve was implemented to tune the path. The path helped the enemies properly find their way around corner with a nice curve.


As mentioned earlier Grims were on of the tricky enemies to create, because they would come in huge swarm. With Grims, there were times where up to 50 of them would run through a narrow corridor and about 100 of them in the coop. This would be dangerous to performance since each grim had to see every other grim as an obstacle, while checking for the local environment obstacles.
The team came up with a special method of doing this, called the “Grim cache”. The spark of this idea was that all the Grims shared the same threshold tolerance they had to maintain from the boundaries. The cache would allow every Grim obstacle would look around the boundary edges and cache the closest distance to the boundary for each one. This was similar to their obstacle avoidance method which was used for other AI. In the end seeing dozens of Grims swarming you from every direction became of my highlights of playing Resistance 2.

 In fact because of this I was so impressed with the Grims, the Grim skin became my most favourite Chimera skin to use in competitive multiplayer. :P 

Eliminating the Bottle neck: Using the SPU and PPU

To fix the bottle neck, they moved the processing of the nav-meshes to the PS3’s SPU (Special processing Unit).  To push all the processing on to the SPU, Insomniac batched all the nav queries and ran it full-frame deferred on the PS3’s PPU. All data access was isolated to be pushed to the SPU. A nav SPU job had to be created, which included finding a point on a mesh query, with some restrictions and finding a path between the start and the destination. This is in addition to computing the obstacle processing data for steering behavior.
The SPU processing was split into 3 passes: accumulation, finding nearest boundaries, and flagging tangents. The first accumulated all obstacles in all paths, and the second gathered the nearest boundaries for obstacles. The last pass ran through all the paths, once more looking at all the obstacles and their boundary edge threshold tolerance. This was computed in the previous pass, and it would be used to effectively flag the tangents appropriately. This tangent is used for AI to properly make a path around a corner, and other situations.


In the end, with all the extreme changes in the AI help Insomniac game achieve their ambitious goal of making Resistance 2. With only a year of full development I was very surprised to see overall quality of the game come out. Despite the overall lack of quality, the MASSIVE scope more than made up for it. In fact Resistance 2 stands as one of my most favourite shooters for being respectable in compromising quality for a scope unseen in most games.  Hopefully this analysis of all their processes put into the AI will inspire someone (or me) to make a game of similar scope one day :D.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

MIGS 2013:Umbra 3- How It works

This was from a presentation by Antti Hätälä, from Umbra Software, at MIGS (Montreal International Game Summit) 2013.


What do many next gen games have in common? Is the improvements over graphics, such as better shaders, higher textures and more polygons being pushed? Well yes, but almost all the next gen games use a powerful software called Umbra 3.

What is Umbra3

Umbra in some languages means shadow, a name similar to its purpose: occlusion culling. Occlusion culling is simply not rendering objects which the player does not see.  
Umbra3 is a middleware for 3D games, which specifically does this. Its true purpose is “powering up” level creation/ rendering saving game developers precious time and resources.

Why use occlusion culling

Using occlusion culling will save on A LOT  of memory, memory which you can use for many things. You can use this memory to stream better detail in the world, such as textures and models. Physics, and AI can have more leeway, allow for more enemies/objects. Most importantly is improved game performance, not just for the higher end PCs, but also for the lower end PCs and consoles.


Ways of doing Occlusion Culling Today(Pros and Cons) 


1- Use a set amount of geometry to act as a mask occluding the view of the player. This mask is easy for the developers to specify, and provides flexibility. However this can be easily desynchronized from the player’s view, and will result in many artifacts. A case of this would be when the user spins the camera too fast, the occlusion isn’t done fast enough, and/or creates artifacts.
2- Use of algorithms based on what is seen from the user’s perspective to determine what shouldn’t be draw. This doesn’t really on any 3D assets, and all on the code of the programmer. The major issue with this is that is non-automatic and is relies heavily on the CPU.
3- Use the portals and cells method, which involves pre-setting a bunch of rooms aka cells, and window aka portals. Nothing outside cell the user is in will be rendered, but only if the user looks through a portal. The issue with this one is fact this is only good for indoor environments, and cannot be applied to a large field. Also this involves the time consuming process of placing Cells and Portals throughout the finished level.
4- Finally there is the PVS method- (potiental visiblitly set). Basically it involves creating separate software to precompute what objects will be visible from any spot. Once the software is done, it is automatic, and generally artifact free. However the major issue is when you put in a large world, the PVS could take days-weeks to render. In short despite its flexibility in type of level, this method will limit the scale of the level.

How Umbra 3 does it 


Using Umbra, was explained to be a 2 step process 

First is the local step of precomputing a visibility map

This is a map of the whole level, which is done ONLY for non-dynamic objects. This map would be generated offline from separate software, and would be fed into the game prior to running it. The reason why this works well is the fact the map, no matter the size, is turned into voxels. This eliminates the issue of having high poly maps, and even large scale ones, while maintaining a good quality.
From here the software constructs the map, using portals and cells, using the following method. 
1- group together empty voxels 
2- Collect all the voxels within cells 
3-Gerate portals between cells   
4- remove portals not contributing to the occlusion 
5- extract the view location. 
After this you have a nice map which will give you the Tome of the Level.


Second there is run methods

There are many methods which the software uses at run to improve exsisting methods of Occlusion culling. Breath first traversal is done of the portals rather than recursive, so we don’t waste memory. The occlusion resolution isn’t rasterized, rather portals are rasterized. With this there is a 1-bit visibily maintained per cell when looking through any portal. The rasterized a depth buffer is used to determine the details of any object found in this buffer. This way objects can properly increase and lower in detail with their distance, if wanted from the game developer. Finally because the world is split into cells, you can stream in these blocks that are required for visibility queries.



In the end Umbra will reduce run time memory, allowing other processes to be done for the game. These processes can allow for greater emersion in the or even better performance. With this, artist can now put in more levels of detail within the level, while level designers have greater freedom with tool to create better levels. the target frame rates while enabling a new level of artistic freedom and rapid content iteration times for these projects

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Data Structures- Queues,Stacks,Voxels

As its name suggests data structures are different ways which we organize data for our game.  There are many ways data structures which we can use in our game, ranging from the simple stack, to the more advanced voxel. For every Data structure, they each have strength and weakness, giving them situations which they are each suited for. This is part 2 of my Data structure blog, for part 1 click here


Quite simply- First in, first out This works just like a real life queue, where the person who enters first will get served first.
Uses for my game- Updating objects (positions, animations, physics). We use the priority queue to give to processes, such as animation, or specific objects, such as the player, first priority. If wanted the AI to be more advance, I can request it to queue up a bunch of commands to execute.


Quite simply- First in, last out. When dealing with stacks, imagine making and eating a stack of pancakes. The first pancake you make will go to the bottom, and when start eating, you’ll start from the top of the stack.
            Uses for my Game- In game stacks have many uses, from editors, to path finding, and finally for matrix multiplication. If we had a level editor, we could use stacks here to undo and redo recent changes which the user just did. If I used A* for my path finding, stacks can work for representing the neighboring nodes, rather than a graph. Finally if I were to use matrix multiplication, I would have to use stacks to make sure the multiplication is done in the right order. This would be done if I wanted to do something, like convert from model view, to what is actually being seen, for many reasons.


These are an interesting data structure, and have many uses but they aren’t a new subject to me. My interest about it lead me to write a blog about Voxels and their use in Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun, which you can visit here.  
If you don’t want to go there, a voxel is basically a shorted name for Volumetric Element. It is a setup from its 2D counterpart, the Pixel :Picture Element,and contains data in a 3d space. It can contain any form of data throughout it, from a simple Boolean value; to a RGB value. This way you can represent a 3D model, with an actual volume for each of its sides.
This makes it a great way for solving many 3D related real life problems. One problem is if we wanted to print a virtual 3D object in real life, we could turn it into a voxel. 3D printers like voxels because they go through the object, level by level, starting at the bottom. Another would be for the field of medicine, as they are great for CT scans. In CT scans, values stored in voxels are based on the opacity of material to X-rays. Since voxels can contain multiple scalar values ; in ultrasound scans with density and volumetric flow data are captured as separate channels of data relating each voxel in the data structure. With this doctors can visualize scans of the patient’s organs in 3d and help identify any anomalies within.  

In games voxels play major role, though none could probably be implemented in my game. The CryEngine 2 and 3, uses a combination of height maps and voxels to generate its terrain. This is because height maps cannot represent the interiors of caves or a concave object, so voxels must be used. With the popularity of minecraft, and resurgence retro styled games there have been many recent games which have had a voxel like world.  3D Dot Game Hero, Castle Story, Block Ops, and Cube are just a few of these games. Finally, the Unreal engine 4 uses real-time global illumination with full secondary lighting and specular reflections with voxel ray casting.

As you can deduce, the major problem with voxels will be their size in memory, due to their bulkiness. With a simple voxel cube of 128, each holding 4 byte of data(which is just small number value) , the voxel will be 8 million bytes! With this you can reduce it by storing only smaller memory values, such as Booleans. However there have recent advancements in voxels which have compressed the size of each voxel.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

A Nod(e) To Data structures!

Data Structures!
As its name suggests data structures are different ways which we organize data for our game.  There are many ways data structures which we can use in our game, ranging from the simple stack, to the more advanced voxel. For every Data structure, they each have strength and weakness, giving them situations which they are each suited for. For this blog, you can give a nod(e) for using these data types for many simple things.


A graph is a really abstract data type, which could represent the mathematical graph, or a tree data type. Basically there will be a start node, a root node, and it will have a “child node”. The root node will be a parent which has access to their “children”, so does the children to their children, and so forth. Each parent can have any number children, and you can keep traversing the graph as long as the parent has a child .
The special part about graphs is that these paths can have weights applied to them. These weights are special numbers which can be used to help influence the path which the user takes. Increase the number, and it could act like erecting road block, while decreasing the number could create a short cut. This could also be used for other variables, such as costs, distance, or time.

Uses for my Game

 AI- For AI, there are many application for it, from path finding to giving a more dynamic feel for the A.I..
  1. First, the A.I. could use A* for path finding to the player easier, with the help of a graph. Each graph node can be used to represent the tiles, set a square of specific size in game. 
  2.  Second the graph can use the help of weights, which can be applied to a tile if there an object on it, or if it has a special attribute which will affect the A.I.. These weights can also be used to affect the AI depending on its state of it. For example the AI may take the longer path if it is feeling confident with more health, or the shorter path if it has left health
  3. Finally, a more advanced AI could use this to help in coordination so that an AI could be attacked on multiple fronts. This could be done increasing weights on tiles based on how many A.I.s are taking that path, since they are all going for 1 player. This way the AI will be forced to take the long route to the player, flanking him while he is being assaulted from the front.

A Tree

A tree is a quite simply a set of nodes, with an implicit hierarchy, where one node will contain some number of “children”. Like a graph there will be a parent has access to their “children”, the difference is that here, we like to limit the number of children that each parent has. Not only does it save space, but it also gives numerous other advantages to each tree. A tree of this kind can be defined by the number of children it has, for example a binary tree which has only 2 children is a binary tree, while a quad tree will have 4 children. With this, the equation for the searching through the tree would be, Log2(or how many children the tree has)n, which is VERY EFFICIENT!
Before delving deeper into the advantages of the different types of trees, the major disadvantage of trees is their organization in tree form. When dealing with trees, you may organize data by the value of a specific variable. However this could result in an unbalanced tree, having a lot of nodes on one side of the tree, while the other side remains empty. Balancing this out involves a secondary process, which be something like an AVL tree, that could be computationally more expensive.

Binary Tree

As its name suggests, the binary tree’s parent will only have 2 children, and so forth. Binary trees are good for organization data and allocating memory, due to the fact you would be defining the size of the list before putting the elements. The limitation is the fact it would have to be of number that is a power of 2, due to fact you are going down a level in hierarchy. With this limitation, the data will know that the 2 next elements (after all the children on the same level) will be children of this node.
One disadvantage is if the list size is just 1 bigger than the allocated size, meaning you now have to allocate twice the memory for the data. For example if you had a list of size 8, but you have 9 elements, you now have to allocate 8 more slots of your list in memory for that extra slot.

Uses for my game

I can use the binary tree for storing a specific number of objects, objects which I may wish to continuously look for. This could range from the Enemies, to the bullets.

Quad Tree

In my other blog I will talk about something called voxels, which could be used for many 3d applications. One of these applications is representing terrain in using voxels, which as we learned could be computationally expensive . 
However as we discussed in class, using quad trees for terrain would be “a step up”. The reason why this would be a step-up is that this would be a more accurate representation of something, such as a flat plain. The reason is that we would subdivide the plain into only 4 sectors (quadrants), and continue to subdivide the sector if there was an imperfection in the terrain. This way, we will only need store a location if it has an imperfection, rather than having the make storage space for every single tile.
As a tree, its advantage would be the shorted searching time due to the efficient organization of the data structure. This could allow for something like collision detection to be used with using the graph, on a per level basis. Simply we can use the character position and compare its location in the graph to determine if it is inside terrain or not.  The limitation though would be that the terrain could only be represented in a 2D grid

Oct tree

Using the example from above, you wonder how can we adapt it for a 3D grid, the answer is using an oct tree. With an oct tree, as shown with the diagram below, we can represent the world easily with the concepts of a quad tree in 3d.

 Thats all for now, stay tune for the next blog where I will talk about stacks, queues, and voxels!