Game Engine Design Blogs


Here is where I will be posting anything relating to my class, Game Engines Design. This class was more general that we anticipated, however there are still a good amount of concepts here. We talked about ALOT OF STUFF 
  • creating a game engine
  • using other game engines
  • programming design patterns
  • object orientented programming vs data driven
  • AI
  • Animations
  • Computer Architecture ( in respect to games)
  • scripting 
  • entities 
  • Better game c++ programming practieses 
  • don't forget that God Of War Camera
Not to mention this is a Hougue Class =3 the but surely not the least.

Here are my Blogs, which may not talk about these topics, however my classmates will have covered them. The blogs are listed from First to Last 
  1. Initial Game idea (at the beginning of the year)
  2. Which Game Engine Should I use
  3. Design Patterns for Games
  4. Battlefield3/Frostbite2 with Havok physics!
  5. Flaws of Object centric programming
  6. Data Oriented programming with mike-acton
  7. A Nod(e) to Data Structures 
  8. Data structures: Queues, Stacks, Voxels 
  9. MIGS 2013: Umbra3 - How it works  
  10. Insomnaic Games Engine, Resistance 2 and its A.I.
  11. Post Game Dev Knowledge: Havok collisions

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