Nov 27-Dec 4, 2012
Although the crunch time for the game is over, course are
wrapping up with projects, reports and exams are coming up around the corner so
I’ll to keep this short

- Implemented a new menu, with Level designer
- Also implemented an icon to indicate if the invisibility was on cool down or not
- Helped with a few reports and other final assignments for the game.

- Redid and modified many models for the game
- Created new back ground texture and, enemy/player texture
- Help with reports, specifically game Design, and the creation of of the website of the site
- Directed the creation of both the game’s developer diary and trailer.
Level Designer
- Balenced and modified the current enemy waves so the game will scale from easy to hard throughout
- Fully completed a game over and win screen with a transition back to the main menu
- Finished his part in the intro cut scene camera
- Did majority of the our studio's website, which the Producer was supposed to do.
- Helped with Game Design and production (GDP)
Lead Programmer
- Added morphing into the intro cutscene, the animation could be speed up
- Finished the moving camera, which is used using lerp, and can be speed up
- Created the new ingame model and new animation for the game
- Finished the Data/Algo report which the Producer was supposed to do
- Worked on report for Prof Hogue.
Producer/Audio Engineer
- Failed to do his part of the workload, such as website and report
- Added no audio to the game
- Very useful this week!
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