It’s a brand new year, and it looks to be an interesting one
too with intermediate computer graphics. This first assignment is to modify a
screen shot of our old game, and design it to a state which we can classify it
as an indie game. Here are two screen shots which are a possible target for our
game by the end of the semester, and how we plan to achieve it.
Screen Shot 1
Before | |
After |
- Layering – An idea we had was to use different levels or
layers for which each ship/environmental detail would exist on. This way we
could easily specify a layer rather than exact coordinates, however layering
also refers to the drawing of layering. This would involve drawing the ship
first, then shader on the ship, and then finally apply its shadow.
- Shadow - One idea we had was for shadowing would use a post
processing shader which would create shadows for each ship. The light source
for this shader would be high up in the sky and to one side of the field. This
would result in a shadow which would be to one side of the ship, while showing
how high the object is in the scene. Therefore this would emphasize the “depth”
in the game and make the below enemies easier to identify, and bomb.
- Ship Shading- This would be done with a similar algorithm to
the shadow above however this will be done to give the ships more appeal. The
light source in this case would be around the same level of the ship, or
slightly above it, if its below.
- Health Glow(outside)/Bloom- done to enhance the “appeal” of the health power up.
This makes it more friendly looking, as many people were intimidated by it at
first, thinking it was an enemy attack. This will probably be done by a post
processing shader, which will
Screen Shot 2
Before | |
After | |
- Ship shading expanded-The enemy ship in the scene, the
turrent ship, is below the player and holds turrents on top of the ship itself,
which will be interesting to apply this shader to. As I said above, we would
have to use layering to properly shade, since the turrents are attached to the
ship base. Only after applying the shadow to the ship base, we can apply the
shadows from the turrent itself, to make it look proper.
- Cool downs shading- The cool down icon for the cloak, shown
at the very right black bar, has been redone. With what I have in mind, this
will be done with a shader which will use an external value, time. This time is
basically the time until you can use the power up again, and will be calculated
based on what time the power went on cool down; to the time it’s done. This
will give it something like an hour glass, where it will tell when the time is
- Cloud shading- Clouds could be done on a simple oval like
polygon involving a multi-step process, which involves a blurring shader. First
would involve applying the white color to the object, where the opacity would
decrease as you travel from the center to the outside. Second you have some
form of blurring done to the object which would choose areas for the shader to
blur on the cloud. This would be done randomly and independently of all the
clouds, making no two clouds the same. Finally, if time permits, there can be an
algorithm to randomly “poke holes” in the cloud. These holes will be 100%
clear, however the blur shader will make it so the hole doesn’t look too
obvious. Once again this process will be completely random and make every cloud
completely different.
Hopefully by the end of the semester we will have something like
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