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Thursday, 22 November 2012

GDW- Game Developement blog 3

Nov 13-20, 2012
This week, most of our team got down to crunch time, and got to complete majority of their tasks, with a few exceptions due to problems  

Our 2D artist 

Temporary HUD
  • got our sprites and HUD have been properly implemented, and are now usable. The HUD has been moved around so that the Health bar works, and in a nice spot. Another major advancement finished was the basic main menu system, which only has a simple selection system for now.   

For next week 

  • we need is fonts working, so we can properly display values, such as the player’s score. Also he may need to work on some of the GDP art stuff, such as the poster.

Our audio engineer/Producer (PAE)

  •  has done not meet his work quota, due to the fact he cannot solve his SVN update issue. He has tried many resources to solve his, from the internet, to a powerful programming friend. However he still has not used our GDW TA, yet due the fact he wasn’t here on Thrusday and Friday. Despite these complications, he has gotten the Audio from Fmod working, and got some basic sounds.  

For next week

  • he has to finish this class soon, so I can implement it into the game, while adding more sounds and possibly a theme for the game.

Our 3D artist

  • just finished his Bach of models, and gave them to me on Friday. Majority of the models loaded in fine, and I asked him to try to create a special texture for the main player using Maya’s MUD box. However MUD box has been giving him issues, such as improper UV maps, to wrong textures, so hes going to look for some help with this issue. 

 For next week

  •   the 3D artist should finalize all the models, and possibly get some nice textures to apply on these models.

Our Level Designer

  •  has done a fair amount of coding this week. He has worked on level transitions, between enemy waves, as well as some of the architecture report this week. Also he has tried to work on textures, however his computer seems to give him the same problem with SF image Loadfromfile function. In the end, despite his best efforts we couldn’t get it working and I(the Lead Programmer) had to implement this task, and textures now work!

For next week 

  •  he has to work on finally creating the scrolling background, and possibly some form of cut scene.

For me (the lead programmer) 

Spawning into the scene

  • has been a week of good advancements, with the enemies. I have modified the enemy class, so it can be compatible with the newly created enemy vector class. With this new class we can easily add, update and destroy each enemy type, as well as create bullets, from this. With this I have 4 classes of enemies, 2 of which run perfectly right now, however 2 which are bugged and need to be fixed. One of which uses Bezier to create bullets which follow a Bezier path to the player, however that is causing some breaking points. However the other 2 enemy types use a form of LERP for movement, which generally run without an issue. Also I’ve added a function which lets the ships decelerate into the sceen when they spawn, like how a spider would rappel down. Finally I began to implement a sort algorithm and decision tree 

For next week

  •  I have to implement some form of project tile which is like a power up of some sort, and finish up 3-4 more enemy/ enemy types. Also I have to finish implementing a decision tree and sort algorithm, or decide if another coder should do it. Finally I have to decide if I should implement morphing with vertices, and start working on the reports

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