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Monday, 19 November 2012

GDW- Game Developement Blog 2

Week Of Nov 6-13, 2012

After an intense week of coding, for the team, and crazy coding projects, we are a step closer to finishing our game. The 3d Modeler has done quite a deal of models, though generic, can be good templates. Bullets, and bombs were done but it was done by me, when another coder was suppose to  do it. However due to some technical issues with our subversion, and other inconvenient events I had to finish this.

  • With the bullets, 3D collision detection was finished at the same time, done after a great deal of researching. With this a temporary bounding box was created, made correctly while having an object rotating in the center. This bounding box was created with the collision detection which used the min and max of the object’s x,y,z .
  • With our game one of the coders had some major issues with loading textures, it came when applying a simple texture to test plane. We narrowed down this problem to the Loadfromfile function, and looked at all possible errors, but nothing could fix this breaking point error. We asked the TA for GDW, Albert and our Intro to graphics teacher, however none could give us a proper answer to fix this error.
  • 2D textures still giving us trouble in the sprite/HUD department with one of the coders. He has asked the GDW TA for help, however he still has yet to fix the error. He has requested to meet up with Houge, however Houge is at MIGS for this week. However once both are properly implemented, I believe it is best if he finishes a menu of some sort for the main menu.
  • We just noticed hougue’s requirements, and plans to add ease in and ease out which could be done by acceleration. I thought of many different ways we could do this, from the player accelerating, to the enemies “easing in” to the scene. However one definite system which has been implemented is the “ease in, ease out” missile system. This launches a missile which will decelerate from its launch, like a rock being catapulted. Then its “thruster systems” will kick in, and it will start to accelerate, easing in at an acceleration rate of 10X2.
  • Finally one of our coders has some issue with the SVN, as he can update, but not commit. This is a troubling issue which we have little knowledge about, however it has some issue with the directories. That answer was found through research on the internet; however it would have been more efficient if we had just asked for help from the GDW TA. This problem is delaying the implementation of the sounds within the game, which is quite annoying.

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