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Monday, 19 November 2012

GDW-Game developement blog 1

Week Of Oct 30-Nov 6, 2012

Just finished the last mid term, and 1 week ago, I just fully implemented our OBJ loader. Now its time to get down and working, on making an actual game.
Over the next few days I’ll start to work on the basic locomotion system, moving the player. Also I want to give the players a proper feeling of the object strafing left and right. To do this I’ll have to rotate the object left and right, when moving left and right, but reset the orientation when the player stops moving. I’ll have to find some form of key release function in order to do this.
Also I need to redistribute the programming work load, to do this, I am planning on separate the current items bellow.
  • Bullet class
  • Collision detection
  • Level spawner
  • Enemy class
  • Menu/HUD
One issue is that the HUD and Menu cannot be done until our sprite class is properly implemented, which is giving one of our coders trouble.
Hopefully this will be done soon, and we can start to make good progress on the game.

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