Tuesday 4 December 2012

GDW- Game Developement blog 4

Nov 20-27, 2012

This week is crunch week, so we’ll try to blog short and concise.
  • finished Health working
  • redid text in game
  • got a menu screen working

  • found problem in code which gave us issues loading in enemies
  • Finished enemies and recreated bosses up to 3 times due to issues
  • worked with programmer to create morph key frames
Level Designer
  • Fully implemented wave loading/transition and level loading/transition
  • Created game over screen, with respawn, and 
  • On a side note, he created a new boss, using 100 of a single enemy type
  • Trying to implement a “cutscene”
  • Fixed spawning issue where the enemies would spawn off screen due to numerous problems
  • Created the morphing/animation code but still need to put it into the game. However it is successfully done using multi key frames 
  • Added invisibility power up
  • Added decision tree and tree nodes into the game to be used
  • Created 3 types of bosses to be able to use in the game, and 2 new enemy types into the game, including the enemy turrent ship, which used a bit of forward kinematics
  • Modified the missiles, so that they don’t just launch to the left, but also the right and top.

Audio engineer
  • Created an audio.cpp
  • Questionable what audio files have been done

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